Players can also buy or trade Dynasty items with each other online, from the bonus points earned by unlocking their achievements. Dynasty items are usually more valuable since they grant better benefits even compared to the Relic items, but unlike the other three groups (Relic, Major and Minor), Dynasty items are attached to the player's CONFLUX account and can be transfered from one hero to another at the start of a new campaign. Dynasty weapons/artifacts are new items which can be obtained by either completing secondary quests in scenarios, or reaching certain achievements (in which case the player must be connected to the CONFLUX system).

Heroes can respecialize for free only once, however as soon as they choose either alignment, both skills and spells of the opposite Reputation alignments would no longer be available (but would still be available if the hero learned them before reaching either Prime Reputation level). The skills can now also be learned the same way, instead of being randomly selected by the game. Some spells can also be cast from bought or found scrolls, but spells can no longer be learned by visiting certain dwellings (such as a Witch's Hut) as before. Now building a Magic Guild structure is no longer required to learn magic spells, which can be learned with skill points available after each level-up. Talents tree: it replaces both the old Magic Guild tree and the random Skill/Ability wheel.Each of them has its name, for example Tears Necromancer becomes an Embalmer, but Blood Necromancer becomes a Reaper. Tears or Blood Reputation does not affect Magic or Might affinity of the heroes, therefore creating four possible subclass profiles for each hero (Tears & Might, Blood & Might, Tears & Magic, Blood & Magic). After reaching the first chosen rank, the hero can still accumulate opposite points up to 1000, however they will not unlock anything and are basically useless. Every upgrade increases some of the skills, and also grants one super-ability, that is consistent with the hero class and faction. The either system has 2 ranks, Prime and Realm, the first of which is available at 250 points (usually this occurs when the hero reaches around level 8), and the second is available at 1000 points (around level 30). The player is forced to choose either Tears alignments for acts of mercy (letting the weaker stack flee, distributing the money across the poor, forgiving the enemies, etc.), or Blood alignment for acts of cruelty (pursuing the stack, keeping the money for yourself, executing the enemies, etc.) of their hero. Tears/Blood Reputation: a new honor points system available only for primary heroes, the Reputation serves to both upgrade heroes accordingly and determine the outcome of the game.4.2.1 Pirates of the Savage Sea campaign.