Hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide
Hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide

General Folke Hogberg has a skill level of 3 and is a commando, granting him a -50% out of supply bonus. General Erik af Edholm has a skill level of 4 and is a hill fighter, granting him a +5% movement, and +10% attack and defense in hills. It has 9,560 manpower initially available for new units, and two generals available to command your troops. It has 11 infantry and 1 cavalry divisions, 9 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, 6 destroyers and 10 submarines, and 36 close air support planes, 30 fighter planes, and 12 carrier naval bombers. Sweden has a well-rounded military and strong navy. With all industrial techs and National Focuses researched, Sweden will have a maximum of 68 unlocked building slots. Minister Ernst Wigforss, a captain of industry, grants +10% civilian factory, infrastructure, and refinery construction speeds.

hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide

In terms of industry, it has 3 military and 10 civilian factories, 3 naval dockyards, plus 14 additional open slots, 4 aluminum, 202 steel, 40 chromium, and 70 tungsten.

hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide

The fascist party, led by Sven Olov Lindholm, has 3% support, the non-aligned party, led by Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp, has 14%, and the communist party, led by Sven Linderot, has 8%. Its ruling party, Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetarparti, has 75% popularity. Sweden has a volunteer military, civilian economy, and an export focused trade law. En Svensk Tiger grants +10% to ideology drift defense and +10% to foreign justify war goal cost. Sweden starts the game in 1936 with a neutral democratic government led by Per Albin Hansson, with the national spirits of En Svensk Tiger and Neutral Foreign Policy and national unity of 90%. These articles examine the benefits and drawbacks of playing as any of dozens of minor countries in HOI IV. Hearts of Iron IV is an epic historical simulator that allows you to experience the Second World War as any country, and perhaps, change history. Welcome to the latest in a series of posts looking at minor countries in the game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Entertainment.

Hearts of iron 4 soviet union guide